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The Dark Tribunal

The Sith and the Dark Jedi, currently have no established hierarchy or council. There is no recognised governing body who commands members of the Sith, instead, might decides, might and cunning.
Some who possess great power, command through fear, others through promise of reward, but all must beware the folly of arrogance, as lesser Sith can gather in number, to overthrow a single Dark Lord.

Since the decimation of the Sith Empire, a new group has arisen, a trio of Sith Lords whose past and origins, are unknown to all:

The Lord of Rage - an ancient warrior who has defied death, by using the dark side to command their physical form to live, despite injury or age.

The Lord of Knowledge - an ever changing being, they shed their vessel only to possess another. No one knows if they have a stash of hidden clones, or if they can possess whomever they wish.

The Lord of Power - a walking suit of armour, animated by their own dark spirit. This one left their mortality behind long ago, and needs only a shell of steel and runes.

Those who seek to progress in their path, to grow in power and rank, must seek power these three, the Dark Tribunal. It is now impossible to do so without them.
They can be found by calling one who is a master of the Dark Side, as they will know how to summon them, but to do so is fraught with great risk, for such is the power of the Dark Tribunal, that they can slaughter even a Sith Master without much effort.
Do not seek to trap them, it has been tried. Do not call upon them for trivial desires, they will make you regret it in ways unimaginable, before sending your soul to oblivion. Do not lie to them, they will see through it.

These three do not seek conquest, nor do they take any side in any conflict. Their purpose is to grant or deny power, as they see fit. To determine who is worthy, and who is not. The final word of the Dark Side of the Force.


The purpose of the Dark Tribunal, is to provide a means of force-rank progression in RP, without having a Sith Council, as management feels such isn't really needed, and in the past, it always turned out to be several dark lords trying to kill each other.
This group is controlled by manmagement, and consists of beings that are essentially NPCs, who never directly affect RP, except by providing testing, when such is needed. As the description outlines, they possess power far beyond any Dark Master in RP, and for all intents and purposes, cannot be killed/outsmarted/trapped/hunted down.
If an RPer needs to test, and your character does not have access to a dark master, ask management, and one of us can help you in RP. Usually, the potential testee will be told when and where to meet, and the test will happen. If you try something sneaky, the Tribunal will sense it, and kill your character, before you can say "Freeze! I'm and undercover Jedi or NSF!"

Knowledge of the Tribunal is not common, but not impossible to learn of, but it should be assumed that all current characters who are level four darksiders, know enough.
If you wish to mention the Tribunal in RP and are unsure of what is allowed, ask a manager.

Note: The Tribunal is not limited to Sith, but also exists for testing of Dark Jedi (where needed), and possibly, other dark side orders that we may establish in RP, in the future, be it Nightsisters etc (for now, it's just Sith and Dark Jedi.)

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